Silhouette scenes
Before Alarm Eighteen became what it is now, I opened up an Etsy store under the same name. In this online shop, I sold pieces such as those shown above, each one based on a scene from a book. The pages used told the story of the scene that they made!
I focused on Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings mainly, but also produced other commissioned scenes. Terry Pratchet and Ender’s Game to name but two others.
Each piece is boxed in card (usually black), and consists of various numbers of layers of book pages (also mounted on black card for strength). These layers were then mounted atop one another with a small gap between them to achieve the scenes you see above.
I loved designing and making these pieces but, as I’m sure you can imagine, they are very time consuming to produce! Sadly, I had to stop making them as I could not dedicate the time to producing them alongside my other work. I do hope to revive them someday, however! Perhaps even in wood, through the use of my laser cutter, as shown below!
Boardgame development
I am also part way through the development of a boardgame, which I hope to release at some point in 2021. The game is complex (far to involved to describe here!), and is still being tweaked, but the basic structure and the pieces, as you can see, are all in place!